Sedition Caucus
Jim Jordan to Lead Select Subcommittee n ‘the Weaponization of the Federal Government’ Under Biden By Debra Heine January 9, 2023 House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) is slated to lead a panel that will look into the Biden regime’s abuse of power to spy on Americans citizens and suppress their speech. The effort is being compared to the 1970s era Church Committee, in which Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) investigated Executive Branch intelligence abuses. The new Judiciary subcommittee will be called the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, and will be composed of 13 members, according to Axios. House conservatives reportedly requested the subcommittee during the House Speaker showdown, and McCarthy went along with the idea to wrangle votes. A top concern among Republicans is reportedly “the politicization of the FBI,” including the sham Russia collusion investigation, and Attorney General Merrick Garland’s infamous memo directing FBI agents to investigate parents protesting masking and other COVID policies. Jordan’s office told American Greatness last month that the Judiciary Committee was planning on holding “numerous hearings” with FBI officials and FBI whistleblowers to examine allegations of political bias within the Bureau, misuses of federal law-enforcement powers, and potential violations against the Whistleblower Protection Act. Report Ad The subcommittee will also reportedly probe how the Executive Branch worked with private sector companies, including social media platforms, “to facilitate action against American citizens.” In recent weeks, Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” have exposed how the White House worked with Big Tech to suppress messages and take action against users. The Biden White’s House’s collusion with the tech giants against conservatives and anti-vaxxers was also exposed in the ongoing Missouri/Louisiana Attorneys General lawsuit against the Biden White House. Report Ad In May, Attorneys General Eric Schmitt of Missouri and Jeff Landry of Louisiana filed suit against a slew of high-ranking Biden Administration officials, including Joe Biden, Jen Psaki, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, accusing them of colluding with social media giants to suppress freedom of speech under the guise of combatting “misinformation.” A federal judge in July ruled that there was “good cause” for the discovery process, said the Biden administration, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube must turn over documents and answer questions within the next 30 days regarding their suppression of “disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content on social medial platforms.” Communications subsequently released between federal officials and social media companies revealed how the Biden administration and Big Tech coordinated to silence opposing views on a number of topics—especially COVID-19— in what Schmitt and Landry alleged was “a vast censorship enterprise.” Schmitt won his Senate race in 2022, and is now a sitting U.S. senator for the state of Missouri. According to Axios, the panel will also look into former NIAID director Anthony Fauci and his efforts to suppress information that didn’t conform with the official narrative, as well as the Department of Homeland Security’s failed effort to create a “Disinformation Governance Board” to shut down such information. Missouri’s new attorney general, Republican Andrew Bailey, recently revealed new “hard evidence” that shows Biden’s regime “colluded with social media companies to censor differing viewpoints and silence ‘misinformation’ that was later deemed true.” Baily highlighted on Twitter an email from Clarke Humphrey, the Digital Director for the COVID-19 Response Team at The White House, asking someone at Twitter to censor vaccine critic Robert Kennedy Jr. Humphrey said her team was “wondering if we can get moving on the process for having it removed ASAP” and to “keep an eye out” for more. In the offending Tweet, Kennedy had simply drawn attention “to a wave of suspicious deaths among the elderly” following administration of the COVID shots, noting that Hank Aaron’s demise followed that pattern. Report Ad Another email shows the Biden White House directing Facebook to censor Tucker Carlson and Tomi Lahren. Rob Flaherty, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Digital Strategy in the Executive Office of the President, targeted Carlson because he had tweeted that the jabs didn’t work, and Lahren, simply because she had stated that she wasn’t getting the vax. Senior Pandemic Advisor to Biden, Andy Slavitt, was also copied on the email. “These emails confirm what we’ve known all along, the Biden Admin. has been colluding with social media companies to stifle opposing voices,” said Baily. “I will continue to push back against this blatant attack on the 1st Amendment with every tool at my disposal.” In December, Jordan wrote letters to top tech companies requesting information regarding collusion with the Biden administration to censor conservatives on their platforms. The subcommittee’s work will reportedly include “a full and complete investigation and study” and a final report to be submitted by Jan. 2, 2025


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