The Sedition Caucus

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) is slated to lead a panel that will look into the Biden regime’s abuse of power to spy on Americans citizens and suppress their speech. The effort is being compared to the 1970s era Church Committee, in which Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) investigated Executive Branch intelligence abuses. The new Judiciary subcommittee will be called the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, and will be composed of 13 members, according to Axios. House conservatives reportedly requested the subcommittee during the House Speaker showdown, and McCarthy went along with the idea to wrangle votes. A top concern among Republicans is reportedly “the politicization of the FBI,” including the sham Russia collusion investigation, and Attorney General Merrick Garland’s infamous memo directing FBI agents to investigate parents protesting masking and other COVID policies. Jordan’s office told American Greatness last month that the Judiciary Committee was planning on holding “numerous hearings” with FBI officials and FBI whistleblowers to examine allegations of political bias within the Bureau, misuses of federal law-enforcement powers, and potential violations against the Whistleblower Protecti


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